As a parent, you’re always excited when your child is interested in something, whether it’s sports, school activities, or something else. You want them to be successful in everything they do, but you also know that some things will be more challenging than others. At Cervizzi’s Martial Arts Academy in North Reading, we offer martial arts classes for kids of all ages, so if your child is interested in signing up, contact us today!
What to Expect
Your child may want to take martial arts because one of their friends does it or because they have a sibling or other relative who does. Whatever the reason may be, it’s important to help your child know what to expect when they step into the studio for the first time.
Discipline is a big part of martial arts training, and in our classes, each student is expected to train and to behave in a certain way. We know that children can be easily distracted and can have a lot of energy, and we want to help them focus and channel that energy into positive growth, both physically and mentally.
Preparing for Their First Class
As your child’s first class approaches, they may be nervous about being around new people and learning new things. This is completely normal, and as a parent, you can talk to them about how to be comfortable in a new situation. Some kids will be outgoing, while others will be more introverted and more likely to take a bit more time to come out of their shell.
Our team can help you find the proper gear and equipment for your child’s first class, including the appropriate uniform. We want your young one to be ready to train and to have a good time from the moment they step on the mat.
Building Trust and Relationships
Another important aspect of martial arts is building trust and relationships between teachers and your child, as well as between your child and their fellow students. We expect each student to treat their instructor and their peers with respect, and we love seeing friendships emerge from that respect. If your child is shy, then they may feel more confident when a fellow classmate asks them to train with them or partner up for the class.
As for our teachers, they always strive to create a safe and positive environment where children can grow and learn. We expect each student to follow the rules, and if they have questions, to ask them in a proper and respectful manner.
If your child wants to sign up for martial arts classes, then please visit or contact us today. With locations in North Reading, Andover, North Andover, Lynnfield, and Winthrop, we can help you find a class that’s close to home and that suits your child’s needs.
You can call us or contact us online and a member of our staff will gladly answer all of your questions. When it comes to martial arts classes in northeast Massachusetts, we hope you’ll choose us!
Categories: Martial Arts Classes North Reading